Wednesday 9 March 2011

Mass Communication-Revolutionizing the World

The revolution in the communication industry have helped significantly in bridging the gap between nations and cultures, peoples and communities and thus leads towards making the world as a global village. On the threshold of 21st century, the entire globe experienced some phenomenal changes, which changed the face of entire media industry. The electronics explosion, the software advancements and technology infusion, together are the highlighting features of present day media industry. 

The vision of the WLC Media Institute is to make a student truly prolific media professional. The course curriculum offered is dynamic and also constantly reviewed by the industry experts so as to help the students in becoming well grounded and responsible Media person. The mass communication courses are carefully structured and include learning through lectures, films screenings, workshops, studio-based demonstrations and practical exercises. The course imparts a comprehensive understanding of the Media Industry and brings exposure to different forms of mass communication. Whether it is the Print, Television, Video, Radio or New Media, students acquires both professional and technical skills required in the industry. The students enrolled for the programme also get a chance to create and host their own radio shows, news and current affairs programmes, reality shows, ad shots, animation films, documentaries and fiction films. 

This mass communication college encourages its students to experiment with different forms of communication, which in a way help them in having hands on the different aspects of media. Also, the presentations and discussion forming an essential part of their course will help the students in exploring their creativity to the fullest. All these activities boost up the confidence level of the students and develop them as versatile professionals. Last but not the least, students are provided with the benefits of traineeship system and campus placements, which forms the core of the professional courses offered. Believing in both on the job and off the job exposure, the college has partnered with leading players of the market. The traineeship system also helps in the final absorption of the students as they have a hedge over their counterparts. 

Programmes Offered:

Full time programmes Mass Communication : Graduates
  • Advanced Certificate I
  • Advanced Certificate II
  • Professional Certificate I
  • Professional Certificate II

Full time programmes Media : Undergraduates
  • Foundation Certificate I
  •  Foundation Certificate II
  •  Intermediate Certificate I
  •  Intermediate Certificate II
  • Higher Certificate I
  •  Higher Certificate II

Management Courses-Global Accreditation

The global recognition of business management courses is the latest pattern that has hit almost all the education systems of the world. Owing to these changes, multiple activities are seen to be happening on the front of Indian education also. A major revamp is taking place in the Indian educational field, which of course have contributed remarkably in upgrading the standards of Indian professionals in the global scenario. 

Business schools in India are going global. Both, private and government institutes are opting for tie-ups with the international universities, which gets them global accreditation. These efforts have helped in bridging the gap and have made the entire globe as one platform.  Global accreditation is a voluntary method, which aims to ensure that educational programs offered by an institution match the standards of international education environment.  It also checks out, whether these standards are followed properly by the recognized institute also brings accountability onto college’s part to impart quality education to the students. 

WLC College India is amongst those institutes, who have made their presence on the global education industry. Students enrolled for business courses at WLCI are facilitated with the benefit of transferring their credits to the Wigan & Leigh College UK, University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN), Birmingham City University, Middlesex University, University of Huddersfield, Kent University, Coventry University, Northumbria University and University of Manchester to name just a few.

Since, the course curriculum offered by WLC India is supported by esteemed accreditation body, this helps the students in getting international placements. The international accreditation has also increased the institute’s credibility among the students seeking to pursue higher education in management courses.  

The educational institutions vying for global recognition have to go for well defined procedure laid down by the regulating bodies, looking into these matters. These colleges are required to send documents that specify aims, mission, degree courses and learning standards to the accreditation agency. Based on these submitted documents, the agency takes actions and scrutinizes the institution’s administration, ethical standards, various resources such as financial, technical and physical and faculty among others.

Colors of Fashion Designing

We take you to the world of the world of fashion designing! Colors, shapes, sizes, designs, patterns, fabric and other related terms have different meanings for different people. For some people, these terms constitutes their whole world. If you are the one, who relates with this thought, then fashion designing is the right choice for you. Those, who wish to drape their ideas to give it a right shape, believe me; you have that spark to be a successful fashion professional.  

To be a successful fashion professional, it takes you to invest time, money and energy in some rigorous academics in fashion technology. One of the easier ways to start would be to enroll into a comprehensive fashion designing course. With fashion industry flooded with thousands of fashion colleges, making the right choice is a critical aspect. There are different graduate and post graduate courses offering specialization in sketching, draping styles, patterns, shapes, use of color and materials, fashion fabrics, soft furnishings and a lot more. Another important feature about courses in fashion technology is that these help the students in up dating the knowledge about latest trends of the fashion industry. 

Involves immense exposure, fame and glamor, one need to be innovative, creative and imaginative and should be able to foresee future trends. The major focus of the career options is on designing part, merchandising, fashion marketing and communication. Making your own trend and style, you also need to be careful with the texture, fit, color, style, size and material. No doubt, while expressing your ideas, you need to show that confidence that it convinces the other to follow the trend. Flair for creating something new is what makes you a successful fashion designer.

Career in Fashion Technology

Today, when everyone is running towards the commercialized main streams of professional courses, Fashion Technology stands apart from the clutter. Over the last one decade, fashion designing has emerged as one of the most lucrative career options among the students. This profession involves tremendous amount of creativity, zeal and passion to make a successful career. Also, the involvement of glamour and fame in the industry contributes in making this as the most demanded option for the aspirants. 

Seeing the growing potential of the fashion industry, a large number of fashion institutes and colleges have opened in every part of the world. Indian education is also not left behind. Indian fashion colleges have made their substantial contribution in the development of the fashion industry by offering various specialized courses in fashion. But, since, we all know that, fashion designing needs that creative insight to offer some thing different to the market, so the students, who are aspiring for the same needs to be careful with the color, style, size and material. One should be able to express ideas in the sketches and be confident about the designing board. Experimentation and innovation are the two basic element of fashion designing. 

There are unlimited options available for fashion designing students. Fashion graduates can engage themselves in retail and wholesale garment business, export houses and buying agencies. Else, they can also open their own boutiques, fashion retail outlets and fashion houses. Or, some of the extra ordinary talents can also work as independent fashion designers and can showcase their work through fashion shows. 

If you wish to be a profession in the fashion industry, you can enroll for full time and part time fashion courses at graduate and post graduate level. The major focus in fashion technology is on the designing of the garments, cutting and sewing the fabric, merchandising. The latest developments also include fashion communication and marketing as the part of fashion designing courses.

Monday 7 March 2011

Trend of Business Schools in India

The increased number of the B-Schools in India is the latest trend in the education system. Catching the attention of all the segments of the economy, business schools are engaged in churning out the creativity, talent and knowledge of the talents of the country. One common goal that forms the core of all business schools is that they focus on molding a student to make him a future leader. The course content is such that it emphasize on building a sense of farsightedness in the students. Today, business schools shoulder the responsibility to give us the visionaries like Dhirubhai Ambani, Ratan TaTa, Azim Premji and Narayana Murthy. 

With education industry snowed down, more and more students are flocking into business schools in India and abroad to study management programs. The business courses of the management colleges are structured to provide students with an insight into the global marketplace and different economies of the world. The story does not end here, internship and campus placements are the highlighted feature of these courses. Students aspiring for management courses learn about the challenges of the real world. 

It would also be right to say that the management professionals are the face of the business organizations in the modern world. Business schools are contributing immensely to the Indian professional and corporate education. The Institute encompasses within its domain the best possible Indian as well as internationally acclaimed associations for the different study programs offered. 

Making its contribution in the development of global business environment, Indian business schools have secured their place among the top notch in the education industry.

Management Colleges in India sees beginning of new era

Understanding the need of the hour, the management colleges in India have accepted their responsibility for the cause of economic development of the country. Today, no matter, whichever economy you talking about, education sector shares substantial credit in the development of the nation’s economy. On the same lines, Indian education system is no exception.

B-Schools in India are committed for the career development of the young talents of the country. The ever expanding education industry of India is all set to experience never ending changes that surely will make it more dynamic and vibrant in its nature. The beginning of 21st century witnesses starting of a new era in education sector. Other than the conventional colleges and universities, here it come a concept of New Age Universities.

The plan outlines the development of innovation universities across the nation, which will be the model institutions and would contribute in making India grow as a global educational hub. These universities will promote the outlook of young generation towards management courses in India. These institutes will bring immense exposure to experience the challenges of real business world. 

This plan also emphasize in revolutionizing the curriculum structure of present management courses in India. According to which, the existing b-schools in India will also adopt to concept of innovative educational theme and will focus on developing skills and talent in some specific direction.These changes will take their own time to take place. But one, things are falling on the right places, there is never looking back for the Indian education industry. Hence, can be concluded, India is soon going to claim number one position in the realm of education and education economy.

Friday 4 March 2011

Business Management Courses-An absolute necessity

Business management courses are bridging the gap between the demand and supply of management professionals in the corporate world. Producing the extraordinary talents, business schools in India are creating waves all through the world. The above stated lines are supported by both academic and industry experts. These experts emphasize on the need of vocational courses as it is the only way to meet cut throat competition and match the current standards.
 Business management courses are the need of present day corporate world. The course curriculum of these professional courses is structured in such a way that these provide a detailed description of the theoretical aspect of a subject as well as provides a student immense exposure and opportunity to face the real challenges. Altogether, we can also say that the professional courses in a way identifies, unfold and channelize the potential o the aspirant enrolling for higher studies. These courses also help a student in acquiring a hedge over the non management people in the industry.                                

Understanding the present day need, education colleges and institutions in India have taken their initiatives to meet with the requirements. The job done by the business schools in India is commendable. I mean, the changes that have been incorporated in the entire education system have brought tremendous amount of limelight to the Indian colleges and universities.  Government has extended all his support to progress the developments. There are lots of reforms that have been implemented in the education system like primary education is free in the government schools, there is fee relaxation for girls, quota reservation for girls and minorities seeking for higher education many others. 

Even the private sector is contributing best according to their abilities. Private entities have realized their corporate social responsibility and putting in their efforts for the betterment of the society. The companies are giving financial aids to colleges and institutes so that they can provide all the necessary facilities to the students.
I think, despite of the above discussed changes, there is still long way to go ahead. But, surely the developments in the education system have helped the best in coping with the increased completion in the global business environment.